old International Contest


Over 130 countries globally have declared their climate commitment to achieve “net zero emissions” by the year 2050. Taiwan, in March of 2022, released the framework of “2050 Net Zero Emissions Five Pathways (Building, Transportation, Industry, Electricity, and Negative Carbon Technology),” along with four major transformation strategies (Energy, Industry, Life, and Society), and two foundational pillars (Technology Research and Development, Climate Legislation). A total of 12 key strategies were proposed, including wind power, solar power, hydrogen energy, forward-looking energy, power systems and storage, energy saving, carbon capture utilization and storage, electrification and decarbonization of transport, resource circulation and zero waste, natural carbon sinks, and net zero green living. All of these are considered “technology research and development” key strategies for developing net zero and negative emission technologies.

This is a corporate foundation, carrying the social responsibility of enterprises in the era of net zero emissions. In terms of the essence of an educational foundation, it should operate with the spirit of talent cultivation. With the support of National Taiwan University, the foundation has transitioned from organizing the “Green Tech” international contest for twelve years to focusing on the theme of “Net Zero Tech” since 2023. In 2024, the plan is to restore the scale of simultaneous promotion of the main contest and the international contest, which was in place before the pandemic. Beyond encouraging the involvement of domestic and international university students and faculty in innovative zero-carbon technologies, the foundation aims to make Taiwan a hub for international exchange in net zero technology, talent development, and industrial growth through high-profile international contests and platforms.


The “Net Zero Tech International Contest” is designed to cultivate talent development, strengthen industry-academic partnerships, facilitate global technological exchanges, and promote widespread understanding of net zero principles. This initiative aims to secure professional acclaim and establish a significant worldwide impact by:

  • Award significant financial incentives to distinguished professors worldwide for research in net zero and negative emissions technologies, and support educators in guiding future experts in these critical fields.

  • Establish a “Net Zero” platform to facilitate technical exchange and networking across industry, government, academia, and research sectors.

  • Disseminate net zero knowledge to foster societal consensus and action on energy conservation and environmental protection.

  • Support the four key transformation strategies in energy, industry, lifestyle, and society, driving progress towards a sustainable future.

Project Contacts:
    Ms. Lau +886-2-2542-2338#21
    Stewart Lin +886-2-2542-2338#17

old International Contest

Rules and Regulations of the Contest: Contest Theme: Net Zero Tech, covering the following technological domains:I.Renewable Energy (Wind Power, Solar Power, Marine Energy, Geothermal, Hydrogen Energ...

Rules and Regulations of the Contest: Contest Theme: Net Zero Tech, covering the following technological domains:I.Rene...

Rules and Regulations of the Contest: Contest Theme: Net Ze...


old International Contest

Evaluation Method:I. Jury: Convener: Dr. Wen-Chang Chen (President of National Taiwan University) II. Evaluation Criteria: Problem-solving and Technical Value: 40% Creativity: 25% Technical Content a...

Evaluation Method:I. Jury: Convener: Dr. Wen-Chang Chen (President of National Taiwan University) II. Evaluation Criter...

Evaluation Method:I. Jury: Convener: Dr. Wen-Chang Chen (Pr...


old International Contest

Award Mechanism: Notes: To uphold the contest’s standards, the organizers reserve the right to withhold awards if deemed necessary. In accordance with Article 14, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 8 of the R...

Award Mechanism: Notes: To uphold the contest’s standards, the organizers reserve the right to withhold awards if deeme...

Award Mechanism: Notes: To uphold the contest’s standards, ...


old International Contest

All the finalist teams should submit the following documents by Aug. 2(1) Finalist Declaration(2) Power Electricity & Equipment Require(3) Completed Poster AI files and PDF filesAll the finalist teams...

All the finalist teams should submit the following documents by Aug. 2(1) Finalist Declaration(2) Power Electricity & Eq...

All the finalist teams should submit the following documents...


old International Contest

Registration http://www.tecofound.org.tw/greentech-contest/2024/login.php Official Facebook Fan Page https://www.facebook.com/NetZeroTechContest/ Video of the Net Zero Tech International Contest @ ...

Registration http://www.tecofound.org.tw/greentech-contest/2024/login.php Official Facebook Fan Page https://www.faceb...

Registration http://www.tecofound.org.tw/greentech-contest/2...


old International Contest

Announcement of Review results: Results will be published on the foundation’s and National Taiwan University’s websites and official Facebook page.International Contest:Announced at 20:00 on July 10, ...

Announcement of Review results: Results will be published on the foundation’s and National Taiwan University’s websites ...

Announcement of Review results: Results will be published on...


old International Contest

The list of winners for the 2024 Net Zero Tech International Contest @Taiwan finals has been announced!

The list of winners for the 2024 Net Zero Tech International Contest @Taiwan finals has been announced!

The list of winners for the 2024 Net Zero Tech International...


old International Contest

2024 Net Zero Tech International Contest @ Taiwan 2024 2023 Net Zero Tech International Contest @ Taiwan 20232022 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the contest has been canceled.2021 Due to the COVID-19 ...

2024 Net Zero Tech International Contest @ Taiwan 2024 2023 Net Zero Tech International Contest @ Taiwan 20232022 Due t...

2024 Net Zero Tech International Contest @ Taiwan 2024 2023...


old International Contest

TECO AWARD http://teco.tecofound.org.tw/zh-tw/pages/9 Amazing Dancing & Music - The Performing Arts of Taiwan Indigenous people http://teco.tecofound.org.tw/zh-tw/pages/21 Adoption Programs –Traditio...

TECO AWARD http://teco.tecofound.org.tw/zh-tw/pages/9 Amazing Dancing & Music - The Performing Arts of Taiwan Indigenou...

TECO AWARD http://teco.tecofound.org.tw/zh-tw/pages/9 Amazi...
